Several friends we know have been taking Herbalife with varying results. Obviously some people lose weight faster than others. But it is important to stress that the results would be most optimum with correct usage.
One important factor is water intake. How much water do you drink each day? As a rule of thumb, your minimum water intake (in litres) should be 5% of your weight (in kilograms).
So if you weigh 50kg, you should drink at least 2.5litres of water a day. And I mean plain, unadulerated H2O. This means coffee, tea, milo, horlicks, ribena, coke etc do not count towards this minimum amount of water you drink.
Sufficient water is vital for our optimum well-being.

Women should have a total body water of about 50-55% while the figures are 60-65% for men.
Lately, I have made a more concious effort to drink more water. I down at least 3 litres by 12noon.
So if you want to see results, use the products correctly and remember to drink! Drink! Drink! Water, that is.