Make More Money

Who in their right mind would turn down a great opportunity to make more money while working less hours with less stress and enjoying what you do?

Not me!

I am a dentist. I work part-time - only 3 days a week so as to spend more time with my children. I take home a comfortable amount of money each month. Certainly more than what many other people take home with a full-time job.

But dentistry is not a trade that you can do for life. There will come a day when old age, shaky hands and poor eyesight will render a dentist incompetent and you surely don't want to visit one like that.

Did you know that by the time we hit 65:
1% Are Seriously Wealthy.
4% Are well off.
5% Are STILL working because they HAVE to.
54% Must DEPEND on family or government support to make ends meet.
36% Are dead.

Which statistic do you want to be?

The wealthy top 5% are business owners, earning commission and profit; only a few of the well off top 5% are highly educated professionals that have been able to build wealth as employees working for a monthly salary.
*Statistics from U.S. Department of Health, Education & Welfare in tracking people from age 20 to 65

Just the other day at a Herbalife training, my dear husband who has a PhD, met a high-school dropout who earns TEN times of what my hubby does. The guy who doesn't even have a SPM certificate earns more than TEN TIMES of what a PhD holder earns!

What about you???